Permaculture Design Course in Hawai’i. 


August 1st- 21st, 2002: Permaculture Design Certification Course at La’akea Gardens on the BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII. A three-week, hands-on Permaculture design workshop with some of the most innovating and experienced Permaculture teachers on the planet.  If you’re looking for a Permaculture design course that emphasizes practical knowledge and skills, this one is for you.  The extended three-week format allows plenty of time for hands-on projects, field trips around the island including visits to local organic farms, and a community building experience with our residents and other course participants. 


Our lead facilitator for this course is Toby Hemenway, writer, teacher, consultant, former geneticist, and author of the recent Permaculture book Gaia’s Garden.  Jude Hobbs will also be joining the course, adding her experience as a horticulturist, Permaculture designer, and instructor, Jude's focus is on environmental design solutions for urban and rural settings. Jude has presented Permaculture workshops and courses throughout the West for 12 years.  Michael Kramer, owner of an ecologically responsible investment business, will be with us as well.  Michael is the former director of the Permaculture Drylands Institute and lives in Hawai’i.  Our hands-on sessions during the course will be lead by Sean Canetta, a locally successful Permaculture practitioner with unique and in-depth knowledge of tropical flora and biodynamic gardening. 


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Adjacent to the PDC we are offering a 4-day Earth Speaks Experience Workshop (July 26th- 29th) with Beatrix Pfleiderer, founder of Laakea Gardens and a special discount for PCD Students ($210).


Check for more details.


Next Permaculture design courses: November 2002, February 2003