There will be a food forestry seminar on 24 March from 9AM to 1PM, given by Adonijah Miyamura, creator of the Crenshaw High School food forest and other food forests in inner city Los Angeles.  He has had 25+ years of experience and has studied under the masters, including Bill Mollison. 

He wants to know what you most would like to learn and will tailor this seminar, as much as possible, to what the participants want to get out of it.   He has created a mature, productive forest at Crenshaw HIgh in about 3 years' time - he knows how to get results fast and also has some of the most delicious exotic varieties of heirloom fruits, lettuces, etc, that I have ever tasted!    

He can show you how to create rich, fertile soils rapidly, how to plant and mulch trees so that they are protected and produce more quickly, how to grow delicious veggies in small spaces with maximum yield and little upkeep, and much more.  What is your gardening dilemma?  He can help you solve it.   There will be hands on instruction so you can actually see the work being done. 

The price is $50, and well worth it, you will be producing much more food than that in your garden in a short time period if you follow his advice.  He will provide you with some basic materials to get started, as well.  Location will be announced shortly, it will be fairly centrally located in Los Angeles. 

Please RSVP, with a note about what your main interests are (or you can bring those to the seminar), or write for more info:

Cory Brennan

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