Hiya Guilders

The other day I was speaking to a student group about the "S" word and spoke of the disproportionate use of resources in our so-called developed world (about 20 times greater than elsewhere) and the accompanying mess from that. Yeah, even us scraggly hippies butying one apple at a time at the co-op...

When Margie and Wes pitched the idea of raising funds to help African activists attend the 8th World Permaculture Convergence, I thought, Gee, that's a good idea -- but hey, I'm busy and I can't go writing checks and licking envlopes, I mean, really...my program is starting, gotta go...

Plus, I was a little embarassed by the idea of giving just 5 or 10 bucks -- how frackin cheap! Ok, well yeah...But then when I found a paypal link <www.ipc8.org/payments>, and realized that there are hundreds of folks on these lists, and that a little multiplied by a lot might add up...hmmm, maybe. Moreovever, beyond the direct benefit of those funds, I want to support the committment of our local treasures Margie & Wes to provide this needed assistance to bring perma awareness around the world -- that's a pretty painless way to make a difference. (besides, when they are traveling they can't spam the list -- as much...)

So even I ponied up a little usurpation tax as a teensy way to moderate the disparity between global citizens. Hopefully, other folks can pitch in too and help our local organizers represent with regional pride...now back to the basketball game...


ps I put the note "Santa Barbara Permaculture Network" in the paypal box for information, so it may be credited to our organizers' efforts.