On Dec 12, 2008, at 7:26 AM, Bob Banner wrote:

PLEASE BUS, BIKE OR CARPOOL to HopeDance events!!! 

Rosemary Wilvert has space in her car for one more coming from SLO to Templeton. Please email her for details and pick up: rwilvert@sbcglobal.net

Also, more clarity about the BYOB / Wine. Please bring some beer or wine to share. Also please bring a dessert if you wish to eat some other desserts.. and please bring your own utensils and napkin, plate and glass.... if at all possible.


remember: all the details of this event, trailer, directions, etc., are right HERE.
Bob Banner
Publisher & Director
Radical Solutions Inspiring Hope
2975 Vineyard Dr.
Templeton, CA 93465

FiLMs, PRiNT & Web: info@hopedance.org / http://www.hopedance.org / 805.369-0203

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