Obamas ready to start a White House garden

—Rebecca Cole
    March 20, 2009

WASHINGTON — This year, the vegetables served at the White House will be as locally grown as possible—right on the South Lawn.

After a campaign by gardeners and sustainable-food activists, the First Family has decided to dig up part of the White House grounds for a vegetable garden. And Friday, Michelle Obama and local elementary school students will break ground for the project.

It's part of the first lady's promotion of healthy food for America. But like many parents, the Obamas have had mixed results: Michelle Obama recently said a version of "creamless" creamed spinach by White House executive chef Cristeta Comerford still was a bit too "green" for the kids.

Friday's activities are the culmination of a campaign to turn the 16 acres of White House grounds into an "edible landscape."

"I'm just so gratified that this idea, that seemed as right as rain from the beginning," has finally taken hold, said restaurateur Alice Waters, owner of Chez Panisse in Berkeley, Calif.

Michael Pollan, author of "The Omnivore's Dilemma," praised the Obamas for starting small.

Responding to reports that the Obamas would be planting arugula, Pollan said he specifically warned the president against it. "I said be careful ... you'll be accused of elitism."


thanks to Peter Huber for alerting us of this news.

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