Bird Language Workshop for Adults
Hosted by Wilderness Youth Project

Saturday, May 9th 10am - 2pm
Where: Lake Los Carneros (meet at the eastern entrance on La Patera Lane)
Cost: Sliding Scale $30 - $50
To Register: or 805.964.8096


Have you ever wondered what the crows were yelling about, why the Red Tailed Hawk was dodging a swallow or who was singing outside your window after dark?  Learning the language of the birds can be easy.  Join us for a day of observing and discussing the birds in their most active time of year.  Go home with strategies to help you witness more birds and understand their cues about other wildlife.

Dan Fontaine is Wilderness Youth Project's Executive Director. He has participated in avian field studies and other field projects at the Channel Islands, UCSB, and sites further afield from the tropics to the arctic.

See Attached Flyer and feel free to pass it on.

Jess Sieber
Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator
Wilderness Youth Project