Begin forwarded message:

From: Heather Flores <>
Date: April 4, 2010 9:05:01 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: A special editorial request from Kyoto Journal

Hi Folks
I just got this today, its a call for submissions for the Kyoto Journal. Short articles. Sounds pretty interesting to me. Pass it on

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stewart Wachs <>
Date: Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 11:49 PM
Subject: A special editorial request from Kyoto Journal
To: Heather Flores <>

April 4, 2010, Kyoto, Japan

Dear Heather Flores,

Greetings from Kyoto, Japan. We are writing to you because of your
unparalleled work as an activist and urban gardener who uses permaculture
design to help people to build fertile soil, promote biodiversity and
increase natural habitat spaces. We share your conviction that as people
learn to feed themselves they will also build more interdependent
communities and understand humankind’s interdependence as one species among

As you may know, 2010 has been designated “The Year of Biodiversity.” A
crucial and potentially historic UN-sponsored conference on the preservation
of biological diversity on our planet (COP10) will be held in October in
Nagoya, Japan. (See URLs below for more details). It is expected to draw
7,000 delegates from 130 nations. A meeting of this scale builds massive
expectations, but as Copenhagen demonstrated, no conference is too big to
fail. What can be done to help ensure a successful (binding and verifiable)
outcome in Nagoya? 

Kyoto Journal is a non-profit, long-established all-volunteer
English-language international quarterly based in Kyoto, Japan. We would
like to contribute to the process by creating a special themed issue on
Biodiversity, to be made available at the conference and to our readers.
Together with several “big-picture” essays, we hope to include a wide
diversity of relevant personal viewpoints. 

What ideas would you most like to communicate to COP10 participants, and to
KJ readers around the world?

We are inviting short, focused contributions to this issue. We seek
submissions of original and illuminating ideas, in 500 words or less,
responding to one or more of the following three broad questions: 

• 1. What is the single best idea (or tangible success story) you know of
for the preservation or restoration of biodiversity?

• 2. What are the most important things that we need to become aware of, or
teach, in the next decade to promote biodiversity?

• 3. Beyond biodiversity, diversity itself (of languages, cultures, etc) is
endangered. What does diversity mean to you personally, philosophically,
and/or politically? How can it be effectively protected?

We would deeply appreciate receiving your input. The deadline for
submissions will be May 15, 2010. 

Essays that exceed 500 words may be edited for length (in consultation with
the author), and/or published in full on our website. Please email your
submission to , clearly indicating which
question(s) you are answering.  Many thanks!

Please feel free to also share this invitation with other thoughtful,
knowledgeable, creative people, or to suggest ideas for graphics.


Stewart Wachs

Associate Editor, Kyoto Journal (Perspectives from Asia)

Information from Aichi-Nagoya COP 10 CBD Promotion Committee:


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