Hands-On Permaculture Design Certification Course
with Warren Brush of Quail Springs Permaculture & True Nature Design

@ Quail Springs Permaculture Farm

October 31-November 13, 2010



Permaculture provides a framework for consciously designed landscapes that mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature that provide diversity, stability, and resilience. These systems yield an abundance of shelter, water, energy, and food for the provision of local needs.

Take your PDC at Quail Springs, an internationally recognized permaculture farm in the mountains of Southern California. This 2-week course covers the 72-hour permaculture curriculum used internationally, with hands-on learning in a diversity of applied topics. You will learn to design and apply natural principles to create stable and resilient systems that provide food, water, shelter and energy needs while regenerating ecology, community and economy.

Topics include: Small Scale Food Production - Integrated Pest Mgmt Composting - Tree Planting - Water Harvesting -Greywater Systems - Compost Toilet Systems - Natural Building Earthworks - Watershed Restoration Keyline - Appropriate Technology Green Job Preparation - Alternative Economics - Beekeeping BioEngineering - Livestock Care - Goat Milking - Pastured Poultry - Saving the Harvest - Community Building - Nature Awareness

Instructor: Warren Brush, co-founder and Executive Director of Quail Springs, facililitates permaculture education and regenerative systems design in the USA & internationally. www.permaculturedesign.us

Cost: $950 (early bird by September 1) or $1,250 thereafter. Includes instruction, nourishing catered meals and camping nearby. Limited partial work exchange positions & payment plans, inquire early. Referral offer: Receive $100 off the course fee for referring another student.

Contact for more info or to register info@quailsprings.org or 805-886-7239

Quail Springs is a working farm dedicated to demonstrating and teaching holistic ways of designing human environments, and to facilitating deeper understandings of ourselves and one another through immersive experiences in nature.  www.quailsprings.org