Come join us in celebration of Día de Los Muertos.  We can celebrate our ancestors together.  It’s a joyous occasion full of food and stories.  We’ll provide Salvadoran Pupusas and Tamales and other traditional foods. Proceeds go to to Permaculture and Indigieculture projects in El Salvador. 

When: Nov 2nd between 4-8pm 
Where: Casa Monge , 89 La Entrada Ave, San Luis Obispo CA 93405
Bring: Warm clothes (we'll be outside), firewood, and an item for the central altar (ofrenda)
Suggested donation: $15

Hi Wesley, 

I don't know if you received this but thought I'd send your way just in case someone for SB is interested in attending or maybe a small donation :-)  

BTW I think you'd appreciate the story I put together here


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Roberto Monge <>
Date: Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 9:58 PM
Subject: Día de los Muertos
To: Roberto Monge <>

Come join us in celebration of Día de Los Muertos.  We can celebrate our ancestors together.  It’s a joyous occasion full of food and stories.  We’ll provide Salvadoran Pupusas and Tamales and other traditional foods. Proceeds go to to Permaculture and Indigieculture projects in El Salvador. 

When: Nov 2nd between 4-8pm 
Where: Casa Monge , 89 La Entrada Ave, San Luis Obispo CA 93405
Bring: Warm clothes (we'll be outside), firewood, and an item for the central altar (ofrenda)
Suggested donation: $15

(preferred) rsvp on FB 
or email. 

Even if you can't attend please read the fundrazr page and decide if you can donate. The link gives the history and reasons why I'm supporting these projects in El Salvador:

Last year we were able to keep the Institute alive during a rough time.  This year we hope to kick off another round of Permaculture design classes for the subsistence farmers in the village where I was born.  We also hope to revive some of the local indigenous culture that has been lost to prejudice and genocide.  They are still struggling and every little bit helps. 

Pura vida, 