If anyone knows any permaculture folks in Italy, here is someone looking for them...

Begin forwarded message:

From: "fritz haeg" <fritz@fritzhaeg.com>
Date: December 4, 2006 9:16:47 AM PST
To: <cgold@ucla.edu>, <nettaxi@earthlink.net>, <llucas@talbotlucas.org>, "'Yvonne Savio'" <ydsavio@ucdavis.edu>, "'Steph Rioux'" <srioux@calarts.edu>
Subject: Slow Food, Permaculture, Gardens in Italy


Hi all,

Do you know any slow food, organic garden, permaculture, agriculture people in italy? I will be based in Rome researching this from dec. 25 to jan. 11 & looking for contacts.


Many Thanks!




Also, if any of you have it....I can’t find Evan Kleiman’s email.



fritz haeg

2538 sundown drive

los angeles, california 90065

studio 323.255.5998 cel 323.829.5998

web http://www.fritzhaeg.com email fritz@fritzhaeg.com