Adonijah Miyamura, the creator of Crenshaw High School food forest, will be giving a seminar on food forestry 24 March, at a location yet to be announced.

Adonijah studied permaculture under Bill Mollison, and has studied biointensive gardening, West African indigenous growing methods, Native American plant knowledge, four square and European gardening techniques and much else.  He has created his own style and methods of creating vibrant, productive food forests in a short period of time, using the best of these methods and knowledge from his 25+ years of experience in this area.

The seminar runs from 9-1 PM, and he will be soliciting areas of interest from the participants before the seminar and will cover as much as he can of those specifics, as well as some techniques to get a very healthy garden growing rapidly.   There will be hands on work creating an actual food forest. 

The cost is $50, and includes a plant raised lovingly from seed, Adonijah's magic microorganism mix and more goodies. 

For more info, or to RSVP, write me:

Cory Brennan

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