
I am sending out this info because I either talked to you about dome building, thought you would be interested, or just wanted to bug you . . . .

This weekend I am beginning to build a dome out of cal - earth sandbags, planting some vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs, and also constructing ponds, outdoor showers and stoves. This will be a demonstration site, as well as a useful site for people in the neighborhood who want a nice place to gather. Feel free to come by any time,

The main working hours will be from 4 - 8pm on friday, 10am - 2pm on saturday and 10am - 2pm on sunday. We will take lots of snack breaks, potluck food is encouraged, bring any skills and tools you deem appropriate, such as shovels, gloves, plants, food, fish, hoses, rakes, trashbags, but most importantly, bring yourself.

Near the intersection of Sunset and Sanborn, 90029 up the stairs, above the parking lot behind Lovecraft Bio Fuels on a vacant lot, you will see a few plants and other random objects. The blue dot on the map is the location.

have a wonderful weekend,
