
You can call tree trimming companies and they will dump truck loads of chopped up organic stuff at your school.  We recently got a huge truck load dumped.  We made sure they only brought stuff that had not been sprayed and that didn't have toxic stuff in it - the company we work with up here is really helpful, the guy loves what we are doing.  He dumped a HUGE truck of stuff at our nursery that we're still using.   My suggestion is to call local companies in your area, they are more willing to make the trip.   We also get free manure from local stables.   The combo takes a while to cook, but it will turn into some nice soil - our compost is full of worms, bugs, microbes and other goodies and smells and feels great. 

We have at least a couple of trees we can donate to your effort.   We are very low on the ones you named, but have lots of loquat and a few others.  Have you spoken with Adonijah?  He has all kinds of seeds, might be good for the students to grow some trees from seeds.  We will have some great heirloom veggie, herb and flower seeds for winter planting soon, we could share some with you, they are beautiful.  We also have some microbes you can experiment with if you like.  I would love to get some results documented through your classroom. 

I won't be able to come this Sunday, we're having our own food forest party and potluck, but it sounds exciting - so glad to see this project moving forward!


Joan Stevens <> wrote:
Hey all, we are building a food forest from the ground up at Arcadia High School (180 Campus Drive, Arcadia 91007) .  This Sunday from 11-2 students will be here to help with initial sheet mulching.  If you have any mulch to donate or know where we could get some delivered please let me know!  We're also looking for cardboard.
My partial wishlist for the plantings:  figs, grapes, olives, citrus, pomegranate, (many more on my desk at home...).  If you know of any places that might donate plants please let me know!
Many thanks for reading and please pass this on to anyone who might be interested in lending a hand.  Email me and I'll give you more details!

"People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose sight of the shore" Andre Gide_______________________________________________
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