We are having three sale dates in January for our beautiful fruit trees and other amazing plants from our Sunland nursery.   Come by any Sunday in January, and first week in February from 1-4 PM to view our food forest, heirloom veggie garden and lots and lots of plants.  We will be offering tours of our food forest.

7919 Glenties Lane, Sunland, 91040

Here is a sample of our selection - all of these will fruit in S California:

Blenheim apricots which are the best tasting, per many people, but you don't see them in the stores because their skins are delicate and they don't ship.  So you need to pick them from your own tree! 

We have one Surinam Cherry, which is the food of the gods.  This one will go fast.  If you have never tasted this fruit, it is one of the most exotic, delicious fruits we've ever tasted - it actually has a bouquet, like fine wine!

Curry trees, which are where the real Indian Curry spice comes from.  It is best fresh from the tree - Indians grow it outside their kitchens and grab leaves when they cook.  It can be indoors too.

Oakleaf Elderberry, which has a beautiful delicate fernlike leaf and a very tasty fruit.

Coffee - this has been grown successfully in pots.  I know one gardener who gets 15 pounds from his potted coffee plant.

Red and Green Malaysian guavas (delicious, will fruit well in S. Calif)

Kaffir Lime, both leaves and fruit can be used for flavoring,

White Snow Queen Nectarines

Black Persian Mulberries, which grow about an inch long and are incredibly sweet and good - they make great smoothies, pies, etc.

Ice Cream Bean, which is like candy, really good. 

Our Tomato Tree is popular in many countries in South America and is used in everything from desserts to stews to side dishes to curries, etc.  

Loquats of all sizes, they bear very well

Several types of banana trees - they will fruit if you live where there is marine influence!  

Kei Apple from Africa, which tastes a bit like apricot and is very drought tolerant, and several types of regular apple that will fruit in S Calif. 

And we have Bodhi trees, which is the tree Buddha sat under to become enlightened.  These have gorgeous, heartshaped leaves and their trunks and growth are beautiful, like a sculpture. 

We also have beautiful aloe vera of all sizes and an assortment of herbs and semitropical flowers. 

We are selling these for a good price, so come on over!

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