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earthflow design works - the terra foundation - hopedance media &  four elements organic farm present:

Permaculture Skills Camp -April 20-May 3, 2008
A  Permaculture Design Certificate Course and More!

Four Elements Organic Farm, Atascadero, California
Register for all or part ($125. per day)
$1450 includes: tuition, certification, meals and campsite.

With: Larry Santoyo, John Valenzuela & Friends

Special Guest Speakers:
Two-weeks of Living & Learning Permaculture Principles and Practices, camping on an Organic Farm and Natural Building Learning Center nestled in the Coastal Heartland of the Central Coast -San Luis Obispo County, CA.

Optional: Wine Tasting Tours, Beaches, Farmers Markets, Earth Day Festival -and a Trip to the Big Sur Coast.

A Course for Students, Homeowners, Developers, Design Professionals, Farmers, Artists and Activists... On the farm, we'll "learn by doing."  We'll keep our hearts, hands and minds busy learning Permaculture Design, Organic Gardening and Homesteading Skills. Join us for what has been called a "life changing experience," and "packed with hopeful solutions for our future."  For anyone serious about creating a sustainable future!

Find out more about the World-Wide Permaculture Movement at: