We're holding a Permaculture event which is part of a re-skilling series benefiting the Westside Permaculture Gatherings.  Join us on March 15th for a workshop on Forest Gardening in Southern California.

This workshop will offer an overview exploration of forest ecology, site analysis and assessment, the design process, and interaction with some of the lesser known plants that can comprise 'perennial polycultures' in forested biomes.

We will begin the day with lecture. After lunch we will put theory into practice with hands on planting, mulching, and fertilizing accompanied by some Drumming. Drumming traditionally accompanies many planting parties in cultures across the world.

This event will be held in Malibu at the Westside Permaculture Farm,
To learn more about the event and sign up, please visit http://www.westsidepermaculturefarm.com/index.html