I just read and article in changelinks that says they have traced the bee population problem to a pesticides made by bayer aspirin.
i know this streches thje envelope of this list but... does everyone get that fascism is centralized control by the state and permaculture is a decentralized system? If I am not mistaken Mollison came up with Permaculture during the first wave of anticorporatism in the 70's.
He saw that corporations were not managing things properly.
i am reading an old book called, ' All Honorable Men'" by james stuart martin. In it he describes how the nazis before and after ww2 used trade restictions and patents to consolidate power.  Including destabilizing currencies and revolving board members. It sounds exactly like what is going on now with globalization. Strange how the newsmedia does not go back tht far when reporting on world affairs. Let hope Obama sheds his ties to zbignew brjinski the author of globalization.