this is a site called terracycle http://www.terracycle.net/brigades/ they will pay you and the postage to collect the dross left over from coporate packaging. I  plan to give this info to the Watts Wanderers. Maybe I can get armies of homeless people paid to collect trash.
the fall is the perfect time for guerilla gardening.
If nothing else I plan to throw potatoes and onions into the abandoned fields in watts. even if they are turned over they will grow back. plus they break up the soil a la fukokala. They would not be edible though. tomatoes adn strawberries might work too.
attached is a plan for dealing with the garbage left in the many alleys in Watts.
If I frame it right when I look down an alley with a little black kid playing in the junk it looks just like the third world.
Luckily, people come and take the junk for recycling. you are allowed to set off fireworks in this area all year round because the fire trucks use these alleys. They are a place for crime to happen so while I don't wnat to help the police its important to be able to see down the alley.
Maybe if I did this enought he city would pay people to remove the junk. They should tax these empty lots to pay for them to be used as a park until they are sold. Manifest destiny should be imposed. I know all this was tried with south central farm but we must remain vigilant.
Sorry Ive just been reading eldridge cleaver and father boyle.
The city of 29 palms has said that greywater is legal if it stays underground. 
Attached are plans for Earthbag house. I need Specifications on a free standing earthbag wall. I will call hesperia building and safety where it has been approved in the past.
Love all ways,