The 29 palms california building and safety department has said they will approve almost anything with an engineers stamp including earthbag constructiion. I had an engineer  update the plans and stamp them and will submit them next week. They should pass.
 The problem is that most plan checkers are not engineers. Most engineers do not remember the shell calcs needed to understand kalili. My guy sent it to an engineering teacher who went way beyond what was needed. They also tried to apply geodesics to it but it uses a parabola.
I also took it to an engineer in watts. I was hoping they would want to use kalilis eaqarth one that has been passed for e=residential construction.
The watts architects as well as my contractor friends think they would have to train people to use  technology that saves about 30% on building costs. Anyway, if you know of jobs up for bid you can undercut the competition and your client can be less dependent on the bank if you can sell the concept. Its wide open. access to sustaiinable architecture is a keystone in the struggle for environmental/ economic justice. now, since I can build this thing without a huge loan from the bank I can rent it out cheap.
Also, is anyone interested in proposing legislation that would give tax breaks to unused land owners if they allowed csa's on land until it is sold?
How do I do this? I guess I will start with a letter to Janice Hahn.
I know they don't deserve tax breaks but banks and taxes are areas where we might be able to finesse conservatives. while I don't agree with  conservatives i also don't follow any one philosophy. They don't realize we are fighting the same enemy; corporations. When they wake from their
daze they will need direction.