From Hollywood to South Central: Permaculture in Los Angeles
EcoUrbanism is the future of Sustainability!

The world-wide permaculture movement is growing a new world in LA

LA's 8th annual EarthFlow Design Works permaculture design certificate series begins in October - Join Larry Santoyo for the Sustainable Solutions series that'll rock your world and take you to places in and around LA where change really is happening.

Learn the fundamental principles of sustainable design embodied in all of the natural world-right there in front of your eyes this whole time- then learn how to actually apply them with your own design team to a real-world project of your choosing...

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Watch the Design Course teaser video here:

To register and get all the details go to:
The Permaculture Design Course Experience
In and Around LA  |  First weekends of each month Oct '09- Mar '10

We're committed to supporting an alternative economy and the growth of functional networks: trades and work-trade proposals are always welcome and friends signing up together earn an automatic 10% discount. See