Just found out about the city council meeting last night. 29 palms has gotten 750 million in stimulus money. At last nights meeting they voted to $320 k for an EIR for highway and drainage. They are hoping to get 12m for this.
I am hoping to convince them to make runnning water walk. At the meeting last night they had to vote to buy a ladder truck because they allowed corporate hotels to build too high for the fire trucks they currently have to reach. I don't know weather this is state sponsored corporatism or just ineptedness.
Also, If they insist on making me pay 11k for in liu fees that I asked about before the plan submittal I plan to grow a house similar to the ones in permaculture 2
The property is zoned Residental Agriculture. I'll screen the property with trellises so they dont know whats going on. If they throw me off I'll go to oregon for a while and then come back and do it again. unfortunatly I wont be able to rent it.