Rabbits are great Permaculture pets! Your garden could use the straw as mulch and once it goes thru the bunny it's a wonderful source of fertility. I'd live to see a rabbit tractor! 
If you are at all interested it sounds like this is a great bunn who needs a home.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: OrioleAmy@aol.com
Date: December 16, 2009 8:22:31 PM PST
To: socalpetrabbits@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [SoCalPetRabbits] Orange County: Emergency Rabbit Placement
Reply-To: SoCalPetRabbits@yahoogroups.com


I received the following e-mail today. Can anyone help?

I have an adorable bunny who's just over 2 years old. But, I am leaving the country this Friday, Dec. 18 and cannot bring my bunny with me. I had an adoptive family all set up that just fell through and so now I'm scrambling to find him a good home. I wonder if you can help me. I've attached a flier with a description, some photos, and my contact information. Please let me know if there's anything you can do to help me.
Yours kindly,

Here's the description on the flyer:

This adorable, sweet, fun-loving bunny needs a new home. I am leaving California to begin an itinerant period on the east coast and in Europe, and sadly, Donovan cannot accompany me. I need to find him a new home by December 17, 2009.
This is what he would say about himself if he could talk instead of just squeak (yes, he squeaks!): “I love hay, frolicking, being pet by my loving owners, cilantro, basil, and jumping high in the air whenever I can. But not necessarily in that order. I don't love to be held, but I bet if you were persistent and sweet and offered frequent treats, I might be convinced otherwise. I don't need a lot from you, just some pellets, hay, a litter box (yup, I'm litter box trained, it's awesome), water (obviously), and room to run around for as long as you'd like to let me do so everyday. Please adopt me. I'm really, really cute, and will bring lots of laughter into your home.”
     I couldn't have said it better myself.
     He is a really easy and adorable pet.
     Here's the need-to-know: You need room for a little pen for him, or an area to block off with the pen. He eats hay constantly, so hay allergies won't work. He needs as much time and space to run and play as you can give him-if I'm home all day, he's out of the pen all day; if I'm only home in the evenings, he's out in the evening until I go to bed. He may chew on wooden furniture, but it's easy to discourage with a spritz of room spray in the area. He will eat electrical wiring if available, so hide it. And finally, he looooooooooves fresh herbs and lettuce and greenery and fruit of all kinds as treats!

     If you're interested, please give me a call or email.
     Jessica Ostrower: 949.633.3642;

Amy Spintman
Educator, San Diego HRS
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