Location: NativeScape Development Corp. headquarters in Pacoima, CA

Day and Dates: two consecutive Saturdays, May 29th and June 5th

Times: 9A-1P on May 29th and 9A-6P on June 5th

Address: 10849 Ralston Avenue; Pacoima, CA 91331

Urban/Suburban Ecoliteracy has a new workshop offering intended to address a big problem long overlooked by most gardening and landscaping classes.

For gardeners and DIY landscapers, the perennial (pun intended) challenge is to have the plants that you like thrive. It is hit-and-miss if 1) you do not know what you are doing, 2) you have just enough knowledge to be dangerous, or 3) you are pushing the boundaries of your knowledge through experimentation.


Conventional garden design classes teach principles of design and about specific plants that you might use in your own gardens, but they often do not teach you what those plants need to thrive. Gardening classes on the other hand will teach you techniques and tips that will enhance your success but will not necessarily give you specific information tailored for your particular garden. (By the way, broad one-size-fits-all advice is well meaning but it fails for this very reason. Every site is different, so each deserves recommendations that are tailored specifically for you and your garden/landscape.)

Is there a way to eliminate garden trial-and-error with plants? Absolutely! This is what we want to offer to you because there is indeed a logical, replicable system to boosting the odds in the favor of success.


The key to:
• Reducing water usage for gardens and landscapes
• Sharply reducing plant losses
• Saving time, money, and energy in your garden or landscape
boils down to one very important strategy – match the needs of the plants with what a garden or landscape site provides.


In this two-part workshop, you’ll learn a system to implement this strategy. You will also learn the hows and whys behind that system that make it work. Just think - you could spend less effort and money on guessing, suffer less heartbreak from losing cherished plants, and spend more time enjoying the fruits of your garden and landscape success more consistently.

Important information:

  • Please visit http://urban-suburban-ecoliteracy.com/workshops/right-plants-right-places/ for registration details and workshop content
  • NOTE: An Urban/Suburban Ecoliteracy workshop is prerequisite for Right Plants in the Right Places because we are teaching you a comprehensive system for garden and landscape success and sustainability. Urban/Suburban Ecoliteracy offers information you need as a foundation in order to derive the maximum value from the material in this workshop.
  • Enrollment is strictly limited on a first-come, first-served basis to 10 individuals because we want to provide personalized attention.
  • This workshop is a lot of fun and you will meet some fantastic people. Both days will go by very fast because the workshop is jam-packed with content and interactive exercises.

If you have additional questions not addressed by the website, please call Wendy @ 310.329.5719 or send an e-mail to fruitstonuts@yahoo.com. Steve can be reached at 818.302.9699 or via e-mail at steve@gogreennsd.com.