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From: "Yvonne Savio" <>
Date: April 29, 2010 1:17:19 PM PDT
To: "08-09 Work" <>
Subject: Garden Chats at LA Garden Show-April 30, May 1, May 2

Hi, All –


See below my signature info. 


UCCE Master Gardeners will be at the Plant Information booth.  Come visit!


Ciao for now.


Yvonne Savio

Common Ground Garden Program Manager

University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County

PO Box 22255

4800 E. Cesar E. Chavez Avenue

Los Angeles CA 90022

Phone:   323-260-3407

Fax:       323-881-0067



Master Gardener Email Gardening helpline:

Master Gardener Phone Gardening helpline:  323-260-3238






2007 Lifetime Achievement Award, Los Angeles Community Garden Council

2007 Certificate of Commendation, Los Angeles Unified School District

2006 Certificate of Appreciation, City of Los Angeles

2004 "Feeding the Hungry" Garden Crusader Award, Gardener's Supply Company


Since 1978, the Common Ground Garden program has helped Los Angeles County residents to garden, grow their own food, and healthfully prepare it.  Our targeted audience and priority are to serve limited-resource residents and those traditionally underrepresented.  By training community volunteers, we empower neighborhoods to create their own solutions.  Our Master Gardener volunteers work primarily with community gardens, school gardens, seniors, and homeless and battered women's shelters.


In 2009, 192 Master Gardeners volunteered 9,955 hours serving 63,624 low-income gardeners in Los Angeles County at 41 community gardens, 71 school gardens, 14 homeless and battered-women’s shelter gardens, 6 senior gardens, and 14 fairs and farmers markets.

From: Jill Berry []
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 10:29 AM
To: Jill Berry
Subject: Garden Chats at LA Garden Show-April 30, May 1, May 2


Hi Everyone –

The LA Garden Show at The Arboretum begins tomorrow, Friday, April 30 through Sunday, May 2!  Don’t miss it! 


GARDEN CHATS at The Arboretum-- FRIDAY, APRIL 30

301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007 – 9am-4:30pm

Free to members / free with Arboretum admission - Admission: $8 adults / $6 seniors & students with ID / $3 children ages 5-12 /

children ages 4 and under are free


11am                       Nancy Goslee Power, Landscape Designer, Author

The Power of Gardens / Ayres Hall / Book signing to follow

Nancy Goslee Power is a celebrated garden designer whose firm has built countless gardens, both public and private, around the world.  The recipient of countless awards, Nancy’s designs reflect the attention she pays to each place’s particularity and to the desires and living patterns of those who will use and enjoy her gardens. From her lifetime of experiences, she has put together a series of design principals that reflect a process and an approach with which she imagines and creates outdoor spaces. Each of her projects reminds us of the power that gardens have to refresh the body, center the mind and liberate the spirit.


12Noon                  Gary Jones, Plantsman, Armstrong Garden Centers     

Green Architecture – Volume and Shape in the Mediterranean Garden / Ayres Hall 

Enjoy a visual tour of gardens that relies on shrub forms to create exciting and dramatic outdoor spaces. Low-water Mediterranean plants are ideally suited to bring to life artful and dynamic garden architecture.  Gary Jones is a popular lecturer whose nursery, Hortus, was famous for extraordinary plants and plant combinations, innovative classes and inspired staff.  Gary is Vice President of Marketing at Armstrong Garden Centers, Inc., an employee-owned company founded in 1889. 


1pm                        Steve Gerischer, Landscape Designer, Educator

Strategies for Sustainability - Easy Ways to Keep Your Garden "green" / Ayres Tent

Keeping a 'green' garden need not be a strenuous affair. A change in the way we perceive things is easy-and becomes a way of life with no added burden beyond the fun challenge of finding new uses for old things and better, more ecologically responsible ways to cultivate our yard. 'Sustainability' is a confusing concept for some-but a popular catch phrase for everything under the sun these days. Learn some simple, fun ways to effortlessly reduce the amount of precious resources you use every day. Let nature do your work for you.  Steve’s company, Larkspur Garden Design, delights clients with imaginative ideas and problem-solving expertise.  He is also President of the Southern California Horticultural Society.


2pm                        Gisele Schoniger, Organic Gardening Educator, Kellogg Garden Products

Build Healthy Soils Organically / Ayres Tent

Sustainable is attainable and so are safe gardening practices!  Learn to feed organically and minimize pest and disease issues.  Understanding the biology of soil will help you to build a healthy garden naturally.  Learn about the soil food web and mycorrhizal fungi and how to care for a living breathing soil. In her 30 years in the garden industry, Giselle has accumulated a wide range of experience and knowledge.  She has owned an interiorscape company, worked for the State Department of Agriculture, practiced as a horticultural therapist, and helped establish top-selling organic gardening products with Kellogg Garden Products, a family business selling horticultural products throughout the West.


3pm                        Bob Perry, Author, Landscape Architect & Educator    

Creating Attractive and Sustainable Residential Gardens /Ayres Hall / Book signing before & after talk

Bob will present planting ideas and guidelines that are suited for attractive and sustainable residential gardens for San Gabriel Valley communities.  Examples of garden designs will be shown to illustrate the use of various planting palettes that have distinctive aesthetic character and compatible water and maintenance needs.  These gardens will feature the use of Mediterranean, California native and arid climate plant species. Bob is a recognized expert in areas of landscape plants and water conserving garden design. He has recently written and published, Landscape Plants for California Gardens, a comprehensive color illustrated garden reference.



GARDEN CHATS at The Arboretum -- SATURDAY, MAY 1

Free to members / free with admission

11am                       Steve Goto, Tomato Guru

Grow the Perfect Tomato! / Ayres Tent                            

Steve will talk about everything you need to know to grow organic tomatoes, including heirlooms! His Top 2010 Tomato Picks (based on the favorite tomatoes at his tastings from the year before) have become legendary so after his talk, be sure to visit the Tomatomania booth and Arboretum Plants Tent where there will be lots of plants for sale. Steve recently spoke to almost 200 people at The Arboretum’s Great Tomato Sale in March, when over 60 flats of seedlings were sold in less than 2 hours!


12Noon                  Nicholas Staddon, New Plant Introductions, Monrovia Growers

Essential Plants with Excellent Credentials / Ayres Tent

Whether your garden is formal, informal, a deck, balcony, and a few containers or as Nicholas often describes his organized jumble...Nicholas will provide us with a core group of "Garden Essential" plants for Southern California.  This talk includes new water wise plants from New Zealand and Australia, as well as plants that will create a foundation to attract wildlife into the garden, and of course fruiting plants that are tried and true in the area. And, knowing Nicholas, he always has some special plant or two tucked under the table as a surprise. Many of the plants presented will also be on sale at the Monrovia display.   



1pm                        Darren Butler, Arborist and Sustainable Landscaping Specialist

Ten Trees in One: Grafting Citrus and Avocados / Ayres Tent
Grow multiple varieties of oranges, mandarins and tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and other citrus all on the same tree. May is the best month in Southern California for grafting many citrus and some avocados. This talk includes a demonstration of a simple grafting method with a high rate of success for beginners. Darren is an ecological landscape designer, consulting arborist, greywater & irrigation designer, and teacher. He has appeared on several episodes of "Weekend Gardening" for an international television audience, on NPR radio, in newspapers, and in other national and local media.

2pm                        Caitlin Bergman, Permaculturist at The Arboretum

Enter the Permasphere: Portal to Permaculture / Ayres Hall

Come drink from an oasis of possibilities that looks at nature through the lens of a global revolution in sustainability.  With innovative landscape design and the nourishing of resilient ecosystems in our own backyards, difficulties become opportunities and scarcity blossoms into abundance. Create harmonious habitats that are productive gardens teaming with lush soil –“food forests” rich in fruit trees, fragrant herbs, shrubs, vegetables, vines, and flowers.  Caitlin is a Certified Permaculture Designer, consultant and educator, and a horticulturist and permaculturist at The Arboretum.      


3pm                        Laura Morton, Garden Designer

California got the Gold, Silver & Bronze...and it's all Green! / Ayres Tent

What isn't to love about the native plant communities of Southern California or the many ways we can design our landscape for outdoor living all year long? They don't call it the Golden State for nothing.   So Cal has a natural and distinctive color palate of golden oranges and yellows, luminous silver and shimmery greens and the deepest mahogany-bronze bark and seedpods, not to mention a complete range of blue tones.   .Join award-winning professional landscape designer Laura Morton for an eye-opening discourse on designing outdoor spaces and landscapes with a distinctly West Coast aesthetic.


GARDEN CHATS at The Arboretum -- SUNDAY, MAY 2

Free to members / free with Arboretum admission


11am                       Jill Morganelli, Horticultural Curator, Sustainable Landscape Designer                     

Maintaining Your Drought Tolerant Garden / Ayres Tent

Are you interested in a drought tolerant garden but clueless about how to care for it?  Jill Morganelli will share tried and true tools and techniques to maintain your new Southern California landscape.  Learning about these beautiful plants and how to care for them will provide maximum color, vigor and success in your own backyard.  Jill is the Horticultural Curator for The Arboretum, teaches Plant Identification and Organic Fruit & Vegetable Gardening, and is a sustainable landscape designer.


12Noon                  John Lyons, Landscape Designer

The Totally Organic Summer Vegetable Garden / Ayres Tent

From the soil up...learn how to design, install and maintain your garden without the use of chemicals or pesticides. Plant choices for Southern California plus feeding and organic pest control will also be discussed.  John is a gardener who designs, installs and maintains edible landscapes, California Native gardens, orchards and wild hedgerows. He recently appeared on HGTV in a program called An Outdoor Room with Jamie Durie in an episode entitled The Edible Garden.


1pm                        Lili Singer, Horticulturist, Garden Writer & Educator

Native Trees for Urban Gardens / Ayres Hall

Trees are the heart of the landscape, and there’s a native tree for every size garden. In addition to beauty, shade, and color, trees provide habitat for native wildlife. Learn which tree species are right for your landscape, how to plant and keep them healthy, and how to select companion plants. Lili is a horticultural consultant and garden writer, and special projects coordinator for the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers & Native Plants ( ). She also leads the Thursday Garden Talks at The Los Angeles Arboretum.


2pm                        Lara Laskay, Vermiculturist, Urban Worms     

Composting with Worms / Ayres Tent

Earthworms can break down your garbage, transforming it to “black gold”, an organic fertilizer for your garden or house plants. As they cultivate and feed, they swallow great quantities of soil and garbage, digest it, extract its food value, and expel castings. Vermicomposting is a fun & easy way to significantly reduce your family’s contribution to our landfills. Learn to start your own worm bin.


3pm                        Reginald Durant, Director of Restoration at Back to Natives

Back to Native: Alternatives to Traditional Landscape Plants / Ayres Hall

Reggie Durant will provide information to start or improve existing native habitat garden. Learn about alternatives to traditional landscapes, which native plants attract butterflies & birds, height, spread & water requirements for commonly used natives. Some information on maintenance will be covered, including each plant's capacity for pruning, and tolerance for over or under watering.  BTN promotes native plants, as well as habitat restoration and preservation by providing service learning and volunteer based habitat restoration programs.



Jill Berry, Program Manager

Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden

301 North Baldwin Ave.

Arcadia, CA 91007-2697

Phone: 626.821.4624

Fax: 626.821.4642