My friend, Paul Livingstone, and I are looking for one or two housemates to share a large house in Pasadena.  The place we are considering at the moment is a 5 bedroom house on Garfield Ave in Pasadena, just south of Mountain.  We negotiated the rent for all five bedrooms down to $2250, or $400-$500 per room..

We are hoping to find someone that is responsible, cleans up after themselves, and is OK with young/teenage kids in the house.  Only one teenager would be living their full-time, but we have 3 other kids that would sometimes visit.  

If our housemate has some common values with Paul and myself that would also be a big plus.

I am very interested in permaculture, environmental issues, social issues and simple living.  I've been getting all of my food by dumpster diving, as so much good food is thrown out by local supermarkets and I hate to see it go to waste (free food for housemates!).  We also like to host occasionally small parties, musical jam sessions, discussions or video potlucks or (perhaps a few times a month).  So our housemates would need to be OK with that.

There is a yard, and some possibility for a garden and application of permaculture principles.

From an email from Paul (who is an amazing musician and a great friend):

"If you know good reliable folks who may be inclined to live in a collective situation with freegans, around creative artists in a co-operative, spiritually inclined & musical home please let us know!  Thank you - paul

Paul Z. Livingstone
performer/composer/world music educator"

If you are interested are know of someone, let me know.

Eric Einem