If any of you are hungry for fresh figs please email me and I'll send you my address.  You are welcome to come by and pick off my tree.  Fig tree is not so conducive to a formal fruit exchange because they don't all ripen at once and they only last for a day or two but what a treat to pick and eat on the spot or take some to boil into preserves (cut them up, add some lemon and heat up until they turn into luscious goo that makes the best spread for toast or to ladle over ice cream!).
Email me if you want to come by - I'm in Eagle Rock between Trader Joe and Vons!
"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.
Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter."

- Bill Mollison

From: Hillside Produce Cooperative <hillsideproducecooperative@yahoo.com>
To: HPC <hillsideproducecooperative@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wed, August 4, 2010 12:35:31 PM
Subject: [NELAfruitexchange] last chance to participate in this Saturday's exchange!


Hi everyone!

To get in on the fabulous FREE exchange THIS SATURDAY, AUG 7TH reply to this email by tomorrow, Thursday, AUG 5th at NOON!

In your email let me know what fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers you'll have to contribute
if you'd like to volunteer to BAG or DELIVER
if you'd like to pick up your own bag or give us your Northeast LA address for delivery!

***I'd love to see all of you at THE YORK this Saturday from 5-7, wearing green to celebrate our symbiotic ecological genius in it's - GASP - second year!!***

http://www.theyorko nyork.com/

Looking forward to it!


hillsideproducecoop erative.org

The Hillside Produce Cooperative is a free neighborhood monthly exchange of all the FRUITS, VEGETABLES, HERBS and FLOWERS we grow in our yards; a collective in which we all get to enjoy some of what everyone grows in exchange for contributing what we don’t want or won’t use ourselves. Then no food is wasted and we all get a variety of fresh local produce to eat for FREE.

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