Greetings amazing women!  We've opened registration for the next West Coast Women's Permaculture Gathering.  It will happen May 20-22 in Cazadero CA at the Black Mountain Preserve and Retreat Center ( 
We are delighted to be creating this gathering and are looking forward to sharing it with YOU!
Please spread the word!

So far Starhawk and Kat Steele are confirmed as speakers!  We will update you with more confirmed speakers and other important details as they become available. 
The site is a breathtaking space surrounded by nature. The weekend will be full of strong, powerful, committed women who share a vocabulary about planetary consciousness that sets us apart.  This weekend will juice you up, connect you to other extraordinary women, and inspire you to continue to create the world we all know is possible!  

We've tried to make it as affordable as possible while still covering expenses.  There are a limited number of early bird tickets for $140 for the shared (dorm-style multiple twin beds per room) rooms in the Manzanita house and camping available until 2/20.  After that tickets prices range from $165-$350 depending on accommodations and income.  Please pay at the highest level you can afford.  This helps us offer work trade options and makes the future of this gathering sustainable and not subsidized!

To register for the event please visit our website at or use the following link:

Thank you for what you do!

Joan, Camille, Kat, and Melora
"There is one, and only one, solution, and we have almost no time to try it. We must turn all our resources to repairing the natural world,and train all our young people to help. They want to.
We need to give them this last chance to create forests, soils, clean waters, clean energies, secure communities,stable regions, and to know how to do it from hands-on experience"
"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.
Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter."

- Bill Mollison