Hi everyone,

We are facilitating creation of a community garden at George Washington Carver Middle School in South Central LA to act as a teaching and community space. One of the basic tenets is Permaculture Design. We would like to involve as many of you as possible in helping to co-create this project over the next month and a half. The school is under joint leadership between the Mayor's office and LA Unified. The teachers have come together with a plan to dramatically improve things, and there are a number of businesses that have partnered with the school to donate goods and services.

I am part of a team of 21 people committed to helping out with this project. Will you join us?

Please contact me about details and getting involved empowering a community and students.


Best wishes,

Marc Rosenthal

Be bold. Expand space. Transform intention into action.

Personal Creations, Inc.
12336 Marshall Street
Studio Suite 1A
Culver City, CA 90230


(310) 391-8300
(310) 391-8330 (fax)
(310) 560-6404 (cel)

Projection, Lighting, Show Control, Illuminated Props & Clothing
Design  .  Production

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