Transition L.A. is pleased to present internationally acclaimed energy and economic analyst Nicole Foss ("Stoneleigh") .  

As you might be aware, the Transition Town originated in a Permaculture Design course in Ireland, which was led by Rob Hopkins.  Nicole Foss does a great job or explaining economic issues in lay terms, and includes an awareness of peak oil and environmental issues.   At these events, the message of Nicole Foss will be complimented with presentations from members of Local Transition Town groups and their positive vision and message of transitioning from fossil fuel dependency to local resilience.

Two showings, in two different locations.

Please share this message through your business and social networks so that many people can experience this very important event.

Thursday, June 16th, 7pm
Throop Church, 300 S. Los Robles Ave, Pasadena
$5 suggested donation

Friday, June, 17th, 7pm
Holy Nativity Church, 6700 W. 83rd, Westchester/LA 90045
$5 suggested donation

Housing values. Budget cuts. High gas prices. We're bound to bounce
back soon and then things will be "normal" again. Right?

Wrong, says internationally acclaimed energy and economic analyst
Nicole Foss. "We will see a big shakeup of who has what. The people
who do well are not necessarily going to be the people who are wealthy

Foss views peak oil and the ongoing collapse of global finance as a
"perfect storm," which threatens to trigger wealth destruction, social
discontent, and global conflict.

Writing under the pen name Stoneleigh, Foss is co-editor of the blog
"The Automatic Earth." She integrates finance, energy, environment,
psychology, population, and real politik. She is touring the U.S. and
will be appearing in the Los Angeles area on two select evenings.

Come discuss both our predicament and the ways we can create locally
to face these challenges together.

Hosted by Transition Los Angeles
guiding our local communities from oil dependence to local resilience

With support from North East Los Angeles Transtion

And Converging Storms Action Network

Thank you for your assistance in circulating this announcement through
your networks.