We need more signatures- please go to the link and sign
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Change.org <mail@change.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 6:32 AM
Subject: "City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks: Replace the lawn at Los Angeles City Hall with sustainable landscaping."
To: l.santoyodesigns@gmail.com

Hey Larry,

You have received the following message about "City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks: Replace the lawn at Los Angeles City Hall with sustainable landscaping." on Change.org

Update about 'City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks: Replace the lawn at Los Angeles City Hall with sustainable landscaping.' on Change.org

Thank you for signing the petition! City Council member Paul Krekorian has introduced the motion below and it will move to the Energy and Environment Committee headed by Jan Perry. Please email both Jan.Perry@LACITY.org and your own Councilmember urging them to support this motion! Time is critical - this was introduced on 11/30 and requires a response in 10 days. Please help us get more signatures!
I MOVE that the City Council DIRECT the Recreation and Parks Department to report to the Arts Parks and Neighborhoods Committee in 10 days on the extent of the damage done to the City Hall Park and the estimated costs to repair the damage and the various options for plans to restore the park back to its normal state.

I FURTHER MOVE that the City Council REQUEST the Recreation and Parks Department to report in 10 days on options and costs of applying the principles of the Low-Impact Development ordinance to the park restorations, and making the park a model for sustainable urban landscaping