Hey LAPG friendlies, 
Come play with 2 local ferment fanatics at this Saturday's Homebrew and Fermentation workshop, 12pm-4pm, at Fais Do-Do.

Much appreciation,
Ty Teissere

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Fun with Ferments: Homebrew and Fermentation Workshop! Saturday 3/24 12pm-4pm

Join Ty Teissere and Jason Hunter for an afternoon of learning how to ferment everything but the kitchen sink, tasting as we play and learn about these home ferments. 

In a world of processed foods, industrialized brews, and skill-less crews, we humbly present to you: the microbes. 

Microscopic organisms predate, well, everything! And as humans, we have about 10 times as many microbes as human cells, and most live right in our gut. Cultured (i.e. fermented) foods and drinks are timeless traditions that bring radical numbers of beneficial microorganisms into our bodies, with notable health effects. We're here to show you how to get the microbe party poppin! 

In this workshop, we'll demonstrate hands-on how to make kimchi and ginger brew and taste various fermented foods and hand-made brews. We'll discuss the history of fermentation and cultured foods, tips on equipment and storage, and other info on partnering with microorganisms for optimal health. 

We'll be holding the workshop at Cafe/Club Fais Do-Do in LA (405/10 freeways)

We're asking for contributions on a sliding scale: $15-25 

$5 discount for the furthest commuter!

We're open to partial and total trades for other goods and services!
Please contact Ty in advance for trading ops.

Ty Teissere has been passionately brewing at home in Long Beach for the last 2 years, fermenting over 100 gallons of brew in the process. 

Jason Hunter ferments, ferments, ferments. Kefir, kombucha, kimchi, kraut. Thriving on the daily, you might catch him in San Diego swinging Indian clubs, blending date-er-aid, or rapping to Lee Perry.