We have a bunch of pamelo's available for trade (or if you love 'em, come and get 'em!) They look like and taste like grapefruit, but sweeeter. We also have a bunch of Loquats - you will have to get up on a ladder to get these, as they are high up in the tree.

Best time to stop by is today! I'll be out in the front - transforming the lawn into gardening space!! I'll be home until evening.

What would be a great trade, is anything you got! However lettuces, spinach, or salad greens would be much appreciated, also guavas and avacados. Flowers - starts (or seeds) would be great as well - as I am seeding in flowers to start with the new garden space in the front!

our address:
3593 Griffin Ave, LA, CA 90031

if you want to call to arrange a time besides today call me or email me. My phone: 503-459-1345


Kachina Katrina da greena

"When minds meet, they don't just exchange facts: they transform, reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in new trains of thought"
-Theodore Zeldin, Secret Language of Leadership by Stephen Denning

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