
Urban Homestead Grey Water & Rain Water Catchment DIY Workshop

A 2 day hands-on of workshop on a DIY greywater irrigation and roof water catchment
system to distribution to foundation food forest orchard and berry plantings.

A very interesting learning opportunity on a 1/2 acre private residence in Glassell Park,
that utilizes permaculture design principles to implement 3 different systems of water
catchment, storage and delivery to landscape:
* laundry to landscape greywater system
* shower and bath greywater system
* rainwater catchment
* designing and planting foundational food forest

Jointly led by Leigh Jerrard (Greywater Corps) and Camille Cimino (The Nature of Things),
this workshop will address the design principles to use in assessing and implementing a
home-scale sustainability project, as well as providing the technical information needed
to implement these systems.  Plus, hands-on experience in both designing a foundational
food forest and putting these irrigation systems together and in the ground.

When: Saturday May 26, from 9:30a to 5p
            Sunday May 27, from 10a to 4p

Where: Glassell Park neighborhood in Los Angeles, 90065

Cost: $60/day, $100 for the full weekend
(work trades and some limited scholarships are available, please inquire)

Space is limited for this workshop. To reserve a space and for address and directions,
email: Otto Penzato <ottopenzato@earthlink.net>

What to bring: work gloves, hat/bandana, sunscreen, water bottle, sack lunch and/or
snacks for the day. You may want to bring a notepad & pen, and definitely come ready
to learn and find inspiration.

The path to greater sustainability and self-sufficiency is easier and less complicated
than many think. With just a bit of vision and some basic know-how, we can all turn our
own little corner of the world into part of the solution of greater sustainability.

. .  . .  . .  . .  . .  . .  . .  . .

L. Santoyo, Director
EarthFlow Design Works

COVOLV: A Sustainable World
COVOLV: Permaculture-Vol 1