We love The Learning Garden!

Please vote and help them!


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From: "louelladewitt" <dawndw@gmail.com>
Date: July 18, 2012 9:36:02 AM PDT
To: FieldtripsSOCAL@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FieldtripsSOCAL] Natural Arts Garden in Venice
Reply-To: FieldtripsSOCAL@yahoogroups.com


The Learning Garden at Venice High School is in the process of trying to get funding for a sustainable arts garden for kids classes. I recently did a wonderful field trip there. It is an amazing organic garden that is open free to the public. The field trips and classes are for kids of all ages and they work with you to plan it according to your needs. It really is a wonderful community resource and I have heard the plan for the art garden and it would be great addition.
Please take the time if you can to vote for their funding. They are wanting to reach out to the homeschool community to help build educational programs.

The Learning Garden is in a competition for funds to create our Natural Arts Garden through the Good Maker voting plan. We have 24 hours to move from 2nd Place to First Place and win... and need more votes. Can you help us and spread the word?


Thank you!

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