Social Forestry; Advanced Permaculture Course with Tom Ward
6 day course at Wolf Gulch in Southern Oregon
Social Forestry connects villages and communities to their forested water catchment basin.  Here in a developed industrial empire, the forests are lonely.  We have lost our sense of living with forests as friends.  This course will explore reconnecting with forests through ecological knowledge, the use of hand tools and woodscrafts, seasonal festivals and work cycles, childrens' stories, pilgrimages and stewardship covenants.  You will learn ecological assessment, carbon sequestration, restoration forestry and the crafts and products that can be enjoyed while re-estabilshing our heart space and wonder in the woods.

This course is held at Wolf Gulch Farm where Tom has kept an experimental social forestry operation for the last 10 years.  Tom Ward has degrees in Forestry and Botany from Syracuse University and has been teaching permaculture for the last 30 years, including many advanced courses.  He is the author of Greenward Ho! Herbal Home Remedies; An Ecological Approach to Sustainable Health.

DATES:  Monday-Saturday, January 21-26, 2013
Course Price $550
Early registration by December 28 $460
For registration, contact, 541-482-7909
More information at