Would love to see the projects permies have been doing in or around LA, see old friends, and hear about events happening. Will be doing a workshop and simple garden install for a client there, visiting friends, working with one who wants to get land and go off grid. 

I would like to do a low key fund raiser for the Pine Ridge reservation food forest project with a little presentation about where that project is at. Anybody here interested in hosting, or can recommend where I might do that? Need to raise enough to complete the install of off-grid food systems (and related shelter) in three locations (doing this on various channels). Also looking for partners who might be interested in taking on some aspect of that project as the need is far beyond my capabilities. But enough organization has been established that it is relatively easy to step in and start getting stuff done. I did all the head pounding so you don't have to :-@  There is a growing amount of interest in permaculture on the rez and some really wonderful energy from The People to become resiliently sovereign. 

And, best places to get good soil/compost, cheap, and permie plants? Anybody have a nursery? 
Koreen (Cory) Brennan
