Advanced Permaculture: Teacher Training in Beautiful British Columbia

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Mt. Elphinstone Rainforest, Rolling Earth Centre near Vancouver, BC, Canada

October 12 - 18
Join us for this seven-day long retreat with internationally-acclaimed instructors of permaculture to polish off your own teaching skills, methods and approaches, engage with other teachers and students of permaculture. 

This retreat is for those of you who aspire to teach the permaculture workshops or as part of teaching teams for certificate courses.

This retreat is designed to increase your effectiveness as a teacher of permaculture. The pedagogy of permaculture has made it such an effective and life-altering experience and we would like to share that pedagogy with you. This training is designed for both the experienced and inexperienced teachers. Teacher Training is now required for all permaculture certificate holders who wish to teach permaculture and/or who are working on their Permaculture Diploma in Education.

Come prepared to teach random sections of the Permaculture Design Certification Course and also your favorite section. Also come prepared to laugh and have fun in a supportive and inspiring setting! 

Instructors:, Scott Pittman of Permaculture Institute, Larry Santoyo of The Permaculture Academy with support by Delvin of GaiaCraft.

LOGISTICS: This retreat is held at the Rolling Earth Farm and Retreat Center in Roberts Creek, BC, Canada. Nearest airport is Vancouver, participants will receive travel information on request. Travel from the airport to site is possible via public transport + ferry.

Participants stay in the lovely Rolling Earth Farm and Retreat farm house. Organic meals, snacks, and coffee is included in the cost of this retreat.

Class fees include accommodation in the guest house, three wonderful meals and snacks per day, and class instruction. The course is limited to 16 participants with permaculture design course certificates.  Cost USD $1,720.00

For more information contact