You're invited to the L.A. Premiere of "Urban Fruit", a powerful new film on the urban farming and food justice movement in Los Angeles. 

Film Synopsis:
Urban Fruit tells the story of a handful of city dwellers growing food in Los Angeles, California. They are a diverse group intent to reclaim a skill that has been lost to the industrial food complex. We witness their struggles with the city, their families, nature and themselves.

This exclusive event benefits the Beit T’Shuvah Organic Garden Program. Your sponsorship of this event offers an important opportunity to support this homegrown therapeutic program, which has proven to be an invaluable aspect of the treatment model at Beit T'Shuvah. 

In order to RSVP a donation of any amount is required. Suggested donation is $10. Once you complete your donation your RSVP will automatically be included. Your donation is your RSVP. Please RSVP: Click here. 

7PM - eats and a tour of the BTS parkway & raised bed gardens
8PM - screening begins followed by Q&A w/stars of film

* Interest in Sponsorship or food partnerships please contact Davis Watson at: