Live Streaming of the International Permaculture Conference (IPC10)!
Community Projects, Conferences, Courses/Workshops, Presentations/Demonstrations, Social Gatherings — by Craig Mackintosh PRI Editor August 20, 2011

For those who cannot make it to the IPC10 in Jordan next month (September 2011) , my announcement here should hopefully be gladly received! PRI Australia has put up the funds for the additional equipment I needed to enable me to live-stream the International Permaculture Conference (IPC10) to the internet. I’ll be live-streaming the 1-day Conference, and with a bit of luck perhaps even parts of the 4-day Convergence (the latter I’m not so confident about as I need to see if the internet connection is up to par when I physically get there, but from reports it’s looking positive).

Even if you cannot make the exact times of the live-streams, the system we’re using will subsequently have the streams available on-demand — so you can play them later.

This will be the first time an IPC has been live-streamed. (I’m told there was an attempt to do this at IPC9 in Malawi, but the internet connection was insufficient for the task.)

Thanks for contributing so people worldwide can benefit from the IPC10
Although we’re putting up the funds (the gear cost US$528, or AU$508), we would greatly appreciate those who are able to donate something to contribute towards it. I’m sure there are many out there who don’t have the time and/or spare money to attend the event in person, but who will appreciate at least being able to tune in on the Conference (which will have some very interesting speakers and topics). If these people could consider that whilst we could have made it pay-per-view, we’ve chosen not to in the hope the permie fair-share principle will come to play and people would voluntarily help us out here as they are able.

Additionally, the PRI will actually divert all your donations for this equipment to the Jordan Valley Permaculture Project (aka ‘Greening the Desert – the Sequel’), to aid in the continued development of this important demonstration site. (A few updates on the project from over the last year are here, here, here and here in case this interests, and you can find out all about the background of this project here.)

You are invited to please donate via the widget above. Thanks for your support!

Oh, for those who just realised you’re getting left behind on the biggest permaculture event on the planet, there’s still time to get in on the action and experience it first hand.

Go here to book your place on the IPC10