Special Price...
$50 for weekend #1 of the Permaculture Design Course Series
must pre-register by PayPal before Sept 9th  permaculture@earthflow.com

Weekend #1 -October 8th and 9th, 2011
Fire, Water, Earth & Air...
Principles and Practices of Permaculture, Reading the Landscape and Natural Pattern Understanding.

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Permaculture Design Course Series
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• Urban Homesteading
• Resilient Community
• ReSkilling
• Water Harvesting
• Natural Building
• FoodForestry
• Re-Localizing Everything!
• Economics of Sharing and Caring

The A to Z of Sustainability! A more fun or informative course would be hard to find.
Plus: bees and urban honey- home brewing- how to build an earthen oven, lawns to gardens, home bread making, cheese making and more...
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Weekend #2 thru #6
Register for the entire series... the second weekends of each month October-March
LA's original permaculture course continues with the 11th production of the Permaculture Design Certificate Course.

Permaculture Design offers decision-making protocols, based on nature, for problem-solving, critical thinking and design. This seminar will introduce you to new career ideas, home improvement projects and start you on the path to food, water and energy security.

The Permaculture Design Course has truly transformed the lives and enhanced the careers of thousands of people around the world, including architects, developers, social workers, city planners, teachers, students, gardeners, landscapers, homeowners, business owners and others.

Find all the details at:

Our text book, Permaculture: A Designer's Manual, by Bill Mollison, was once reviewed by Whole Earth saying "If information had density... this book would be a black hole!..."

Get the text book:

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L. Santoyo, Director
EarthFlow Design Works

COVOLV: A Sustainable World
COVOLV: Permaculture-Vol 1