Quail Springs, a 450 acre Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm, operated by the co-founders of Wilderness Youth Project and Mentoring for Peace,

is offering an “Apprentorship Residential Program” for Teens


Dates: July 3-23, 2006

*Early registration discount up to June 21st


Where: Upper Cuyama Valley  (Central California Mountains 2 hours east of Santa Barbara) 

Contact: www.quailsprings.org  805-886-7239 


This unique and innovative 3-week intensive will offer the youth, aged 13-18 an opportunity to gain hands on personal development and vocational skills in natural building, permaculture design, sustainable food systems, composting, energy orders, ecological restoration, animal stewardship, wild animal tracking, healthy food preparation, nature appreciation and awareness, personal and community relationship building, “old way” earth skills, and many other activities and learning around the farm and in the surrounding wilderness.


Youth participants will have the opportunity to gather essential tools that will allow them to begin to navigate the journey of uncovering an appropriate vocation in relation to their inherent gifts and abilities. Our innovative program design inspires the participants to gain valuable hands-on experience in a wide variety of life supporting and affirming tasks, and to bridge the learning-experience gap that most modern youth encounter by offering immersion in relevant work, life and community success strategies. Our groups are small which allow for intensive one-on-one counsel and which gives participants an opportunity to go through their own experiential processes at a pace that supports their unique learning capacities.


During the last weekend of the three-week program we invite the families of the youth to Quail Springs to camp and celebrate the learning and accomplishments of their children.


Words of teens at Quail Springs - “I’ve had so much fun here and this was such a life changing experience.”  “You’ve taught me so much about my life that I didn’t know.”  “Thanks a million for everything, Cuyama has changed my life!”  “I feel at home when I’m here, I can’t wait to come back.”

Resident Caretaker
Quail Springs Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm