Author Brad Lancaster will speak on his book "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands" on Sunday, September 21, 3pm - 4:30pm, at the Peace Resource Center / Church of the Brethren, 3850 Westgate Place, San Diego 92105 (IN City Heights).  The event is free, donations are welcome.  Info:  San Diego Permaculture Center, 619-255-6111 or sdecc@igc.org
Also, come early to participate in the Peace Resource Center's International Day of Peace Open House 12 pm - 3pm showcasing the soon-to-be completed Friends Center, an urban green building featuring strawbale construction, edible landscaping, and more!  For information about the Friends Center, see www.sdfriendscenter.org .
The San Diego presentation by author Brad Lancaster is part of a multi-city book tour organized by the Santa Barbara Permaculture Network.  For other speaking locations, see www.sbpermaculture.org or visit Brad's website at  www.harvestingrainwater.com. 
For directions to the Friends Center, see www.sdbrethrenchurch.org/Directions.htm