9th Annual Fairy & Human Relations Congress

This year the Fairy Congress lies at the crossroads where Shamanism, Faery Seership, Bio-dynamic gardening, and Shamanic Herbalism meet. We continue to bring you the best presenters who are co-creating with nature intelligence. …and we invite you to join us!

The Fairy Congress is an annual gathering held in the Methow Valley in Eastern Washington since 2001. Over the years people have learned to make their own flower essences, work with ley lines and power spots, learn nature communication skills, meet their faerie allies, and have a frolicking good time while doing it!

This year’s theme is “Coming Home to the Magical Connection of Nature”. How do we bring this knowledge and connection with fairies and nature more into in our day-to-day lives, in our communities, gardens and businesses?

information on this year's presenters


Early registration March 15

If you register before March 15, you get a considerable discount - only $195 for all workshops, meals, camping and all the joy and merriment the Congress has to offer! (After March 15 admission is $235, after June 1 it's $270.)

Register here!



Most people camp at the Congress. There are some shared accommodations available (three people to a room), $25 per night, 3 night minimum, with access to shared bathroom.

check the website for more info


“The Faery Seership” with Orion Foxwood

One of the highlights from last year’s congress was Orion Foxwood. He is conjurer in the Southern folk tradition, and author of “The Faery Teachings” and “The Tree of Enchantment”. Orion will be offering a half day workshop on Monday following the Congress. The fee is $65 which includes all meals through Monday lunch.

more information on "The Faery Seership" workshop


Photos from last year's congress

Re-live the magic! See the fairies! Check out photos from last year's Congress!

fairy congress on flickr.com


Posters and brochures

Help us promote this event!

Let Lindsey know your address, how many you want, and she will mail posters and brochures off to you!

If you want them in digital format, contact webmaster@fairycongress.com

Lindsey! Please mail me posters and brochures

In This Issue:

9th Annual Fairy & Human Relations Congress
Early registration March 15
“The Faery Seership” with Orion Foxwood
Photos from last year's congress
Posters and brochures

Fairy & Human Relations Congress • Skalitude Retreat Center, POB 74 • Carlton • WA • 98114