Friday, May 29, 9-10am, Sustainable World Radio,
 Interview with Robyn Francis from Australia

Sustainable World Radio, KCSB 91.9 FM PST
 and streaming live on, interviews also posted on

        Join Jill Cloutier of Sustainable World Radio for an interview with International Permaculture Teacher/Designer  Robyn Francis from Australia as she talks about her 25 years of permaculture work around the world and promoting and teaching of Sustainable Aid---Facilitating Resilient Community Development in Areas of Need---Permaculture for 2/3rds World, Indigenous and Culturally Diverse Communities workshops.

Effective aid is leaving people empowered with the information and skills to solve their own problems - Bill Mollison

Robyn will be join be Margie Bushman and Wesley Roe of Santa Barbara Permaculture Network who have convened with/at Quailsprings Learning Oasis  and Permaculture Farm the Upcoming Courses on Sustainable Aid in the USA in Juy/Aug 2009

More Resources, Upcoming Courses, Contacts:

Facilitating Resilient Community Development in Areas of Need - Permaculture for 2/3rds World, Indigenous and Culturally Diverse Communities with Robyn Francis
Both Courses USA and Australia 2009

USA: Quails Springs, New Cuyama CA:  Part 1: 27-30 July, Part 2: 1-6 Aug, 2009.
Australia: Djanbung Gardens NSW  Sep 7-18, 2009.

Synopsis of Sustainable Aid Course
This  course specifically for people working in community development programs with culturally diverse communities around the world. Organized in two complementary parts this course develops awareness and skills for working in areas of need. This intensive course is inspiring, challenging and deeply empowering. Participants will gain vital skills and a toolkit of processes to work effectively in both a first-world context and in overseas development work. Graduates from these courses are undertaking significant work in diverse projects all over the world.

This course was originally developed by Robyn Francis in 1991 and undergoes constant revision in keeping with global changes and their impacts on the world's poorest and most vulnerable peoples.
International permaculture designer Robyn Francis has over 25 years experience throughout Australia, New Zealand, USA, India, Indonesia, Germany, Cuba, and Taiwan, and including projects ranging from outback communities to urban development.


        Robyn has been working internationally for over 25 years, throughout Australia, New Zealand, India, Indonesia, USA, Germany, Cuba and Taiwan. The founder of Permaculture International, Erda Institute and Djanbung Gardens Permaculture, she was editor of the Permaculture International Journal, and one of the key architects of the Accredited Permaculture Training providing national vocational and trade qualifications in Permaculture. 
        Her experience has encompassed all climate zones in projects ranging from outback communities to urban development, domestic gardens to public landscapes, ecovillage design to bioregional and state planning, with clients ranging from the grassroots to corporate and government sectors.
        One of permaculture's early pioneers, Robyn has conducted over 100 PDC's plus numerous advanced and professional development courses. She has developed one of permaculture's leading education and demonstration sites, Djanbung Gardens in sub-tropical NSW, where she has established a bioregional campus for vocational training in Permaculture. 
        Robyn is also an accomplished musician, singer-songwriter and artist, an avid gardener and enjoys getting dirty walking the talk. For more information and full CV visit .
Upcoming Event IN USA
Facilitating Resilient Community Development in Areas of Need - Permaculture for 2/3rds World, Indigenous and Culturally Diverse Communities
with Robyn Francis
Convened in partnership with Santa Barbara Permaculture Network

Presented in two complementary parts
July 27-30, 2009 - Working with Cultural Diversity and Indigenous Peoples
August 1-6, 2009 - Overseas Development Work

Sustainable Aid program provides essential skills training for people working or intending to work in community development programs with indigenous and culturally diverse communities at home and overseas, and in aid and development programs in the 2/3rds World.  Inspiring, challenging and deeply empowering, learn skills and processes to work effectively in facilitating community-based planning, education and program development.

This is an important and growing area of permaculture work, which requires a realistic approach and appropriate skills-set to work effectively in facilitating sustainable change in areas of need.  Graduates from these courses are undertaking significant work in diverse projects all over the world. This course was originally developed by Robyn Francis in 1991 and undergoes constant revision in keeping with global changes and their impacts on the world's poorest and most vulnerable peoples.  Contributes to competencies for AQTF qualifications in Certificate IV in Permaculture and Diploma of Permaculture. 
Early Bird discounts and Work Trade options by June 1, 2009
Contact Kolmi Majumdar, or 805-886-7239


Facilitating Resilient Community Development in Areas of Need:
Permaculture for 2/3rds World, Indigenous
and Culturally Diverse Communities

USA: Quails Springs, CA:  Part 1: 27-30 July, Part 2: 1-6 Aug, 2009.
Australia: Djanbung Gardens NSW  Sep 7-18, 2009.

Advanced Permaculture Training for Permaculture Activists & Community
Development Workers

This course develops awareness and skills for working in areas of need, and
with people from other cultural backgrounds in both a first-world context
and in overseas development work. The course is presented in two
complementary parts. The information and skills from both parts of this
course will empower Permaculture activists to work effectively with
communities to build resilience to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing
world of climate change and economic instability. Both courses assume the
prior knowledge of the PDC or working knowledge of Permaculture.

Part 1  Working with Cultural Diversity & Indigenous Peoples
        The first part deals with cultural awareness, working with people from
diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, appropriate communications,
inclusive facilitation techniques and strategies for conflict resolution.
        This part of the course explores issues and strategies specific to working
with indigenous, multicultural, ethnic and minority groups, refugees, people
at risk and community work in developed nations. The principles and skills
covered in Part 1 provide an essential foundation for Part 2 of the course
which goes into specific factors relating to overseas development work.
        Part 1 provides valuable insights for those involved in working in community
development programs such as community gardens, city farms, schools,
transition planning, and other community initiatives which involve liaising
with people from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and with
disadvantaged groups.

Part 2  Sustainable Aid for Overseas Development Work
        Part 2 builds further on the skills-set of Part 1 for those working or
intending to be involved in overseas aid and development work. Key issues
facing the 2/3rds world are addressed together with Permaculture strategies
to facilitate solution processes.
        Topics include survival security (food,water, shelter),
health and nutrition, environmental health, kitchen garden
and local food security programs, appropriate low-tech options, and
integrating permaculture with traditional production systems in humid and
arid tropics.
        The course also addresses facilitation processes for
community directed program development, project appraisal and evaluation,
disaster preparedness, post disaster relief and recovery, and ways we need
to prepare ourselves for undertaking this kind of work including research,
working with development agencies and NGO's, and issues of personal security
in overseas field work.

USA: Quail Springs July 27-Aug 6, 2009
Australia: Djanbung Gardens Sep 7-18, 2009

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
   an educational non-profit since 2000
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to grow." - Anonymous

First Annual Southern California Permaculture Convergence August 2008