Please, post, blast, share, whatever the following workshop information.
I will be participating and leaving from San Diego.
I'm driving, could carpool with a few.

Creating a Culture of Peace

BASIC Alternatives to Violence Project WORKSHOP
October 10,11, 2009
      9:00 am to 6:00 pm
WHERE: Pomona Valley Health Center
Claremont, CA.
1601 N. Monte Vista
(Corner of Monte Vista & Claremont Blvd.)

Sponsored by Claremont Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)
helps us explore the power we all have to change hostility and destructiveness into cooperation, community and justice.
Leaders: Judith Favor, Paul Wood, Pat Nelson


Discover new ways to reduce conflict in your world. Enjoy a hands-on, activity based experience (no note-taking) in an intensive two day workshop. People who've taken the training report they have connected deeply with others, laughed, shared, listened.
They've learned ways to reduce conflict in their world - whether classroom, family,
work or community.

Contact workshop registrar Gerald Haynes directly if you are interested!
We need two more people by Friday to make it happen!

Fee: $50 for the two day workshop. (because of the dynamics of the program please plan on attending both days.) Please bring a sack lunch. Coffee and juice provided.
Sign up now for the Basic Workshop! (Early registration by October 1 is appreciated)
Name:________________________________________________Daytime phone( )_________
Address:______________________________________________Evening phone ( )_________
______Enclosed is check for $50 for the October 10 & 11, 2009 Basic Workshop in Claremont.
Make check payable to Gerald Haynes, registrar. Mail to Gerald Haynes,120 W. San Jose Ave
#112 Claremont CA 91711. Scholarships available.  Ask Gerald.