Thank you Los Angeles! 

EarthFlow Design Works' 10th permaculture design course series- starts Oct 2 & 3. 
Over the next 6 months, we meet one weekend a month for class- and a few days in between for some good ol' fashioned hands-on work time. 

Get all the info you need at:

Permaculture is a world-wide movement...
Permaculture Design is protocols for decision making and problem solving- based on the patterns of nature.

Our permaculture courses go way beyond gardening...
You don't actually DO permaculture but instead, you USE permaculture in what you do. You arrive at decisions, using systems thinking and permaculture protocols, and you can use it for anything- yourself, your family, your job, your community -and yes, you can even use it in the ever popular- art of gardening and natural building...
In our City Permaculture Course, students are encouraged to volunteer with a community organization- and as part of the course requirements and indepth learning experience, students learn the art and science of green living- and work in teams to design and present a community project- all kinds of programs have been created- even business plans and economic development projects...

And if you just gotta get out of the city...
Four Elements Organic Farm, in San Luis Obispo County, is hosting a two-week Permaculture Design Course intensive- camping, farming, green living and more...

As always...
We offer discounts for teachers- flexible payment plans- and up to 50% worktrades

Special Offer... on the fence -or just wanna check it out?

New EarthFlow Design Works students get $100 off the first weekend of the series.

Any questions call (805) 459-0452 or email

: : a Big Big Thanks to : :
The Terra Foundation, Metabolic Studios, Donat/Wald, The LA Eco Village, The Eco Home, HopeDance Media, SAJE, Nutiva, Guayaki, City Repair, The Center for Pattern Literacy, The Permaculture Institute, John Valenzuela Designs, Project Butterfly, Heaven on Earth Holistic Living Center, The Los Angeles Conservation Corp, Imani Energy, The Environmental Charter High School, Materials & Applications, Councilman Eric Garcetti's office, Global Green, The City of Santa Monica, Tree People, Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation, Sustainable Works- and many more...