Here are a couple of examples of how permaculture is becoming more recognized in both the context of international aid, in addition to an ambitious public space development in Seattle.

The international example is the adoption of permaculture concepts to help some of those in most need, being found in Technical Brief for USAID’s AIDSTAR-One project entitled: Permaculture Design for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programming: Low-Cost, Sustainable Solutions for Food and Nutrition Insecure Communities.  From the website 'Never Ending Food', dedicated to Permaculture and nutrition in Malawi, Africa.

Another example of permaculture designers working diligently with the local community to develop what might be called a 'broad-scale' urban foodforest. 'Jenny Pell of Permaculture Now!' does it again! At 7 acres, the headline reads: 'Nation's Largest public Food Forest Takes root on Beacon Hill'. Do we want to get in a friendly competition with these inspirational Seattle foodforesters?

Keep it juicy!

John Valenzuela, Chairperson
Golden Gate Chapter, California Rare Fruit Growers

Cornucopia Food Forest Gardens
John Valenzuela Permaculture Services
Horticulturist, Consultant, Educator
California, Hawai'i phone: (415) 246-8834
e-mail: johnvalenzuela at hotmail dot com