The San Diego Women's Permaculture Convergence is happening this Sunday, Jan 31. 8AM to 5 PM

Tickets and lots of info can be found here:

The topics and speakers:

Soirée-Leone of 107 Garden  and the host of the Permaculture Velocity Podcast will discuss How to Live a Permaculture Centered Life 

Maddie Wichman on Food JusticeGleaning and Distributing the Food

Marlowe McAnear on Finding a Diet which Worked

Brook Sarson from H2omBe Inspired!  Global and Local Water Issues: Everything Matters!

Deanna Moore on Chocolate, Permaculture, and the New Economy

Kathleen Connor on Inoculation a log with Mushroom

Centehua Deneken: Everyday Medicine

Jenise Fryatt: Marketing Your Small Business or Service Online (bring your laptop for this hands on workshop)

Sharon Clausson The in and Outs of Solar Cooking and Hands on: Building a Solar oven for $7 (bring material fee)

Joan Green will set up An Artspace where we all can create our own projects using recycled objects and things you find in nature. Bring your own green recycables (some people call it trash) to use and donate to Joan for later projects.

So happy to be able to tell you this: Jennifer Johnson will be with us bringing her magic massage skills to give you all mini treats. 

More Info:

The Permaculture Women of San Diego are gathering to connect, learn from each other and to have fun. A delicious vegan lunch is included in the ticket price. 

Littles ones 4 and under can join us for no additional cost.

Littles ones 5 and older can join us for $10.

Young adults 16 and older can join us with an adult ticket.

If you prefer to pay cash at the door: $50  Save $15 by dropping off cash payments in advance. We have drop off locations including Lemon Grove and Ocean Beach/Point Loma. Just let us know that you would like to drop off a payment.

We as a community can shape this event. We will have sessions prepared, but also will leave room for spontaneous activities to take place. 

The ticket price will pay for lunch, part will support the World Beat Center and their mission, part will support San Diego Permaculture and part will be offered to presenters and organizers as a compensation of their effort.

Raffle!!!! Amazing items! Bring some $$.

Also happening:

Show-n-Tell! Whoa!? 

What!? Oh, come on, it’ll be fun! Yes, I will bring somethings and I don't want to be the only one! 

Collect, find, purchase, or create something wonderful? Show-n-Tell! 

Innovated on the homestead? Repurposed something? Say a converted 5-gallon bucket that is a waterer for wild birds using a solar powered pump that re-circulates the water. Show-n-Tell! 

Bring anything that you think others might find interesting or useful! Hell bring it just because you are stoked about it! 

Swap Table

Bring something good you are ready to let go to a new home. And be ready to find some treasures which might go home with you. We will set up a table which hopefully will overflow with anything you can imagine. Clothes, shoes, jams, seeds, home made fertilizer, baskets - whatever you want to bring......

For tickets and workshop ann speaker info:

Also on facebook and meetup......

Take care and create a beautiful day.
(619) 261 2327
Co-host of The Sustainable Living Podcast, Writer,
Hatha, Laughter and Kids Yoga, Hormone Yoga Therapist,