Hey Everyone!

We had an extraordinary weekend planting gardens all over town! Thank you everyone for opening up your homes and pitching in to plant gardens. What a great time - eating delicious food, playing with soil, plants, and our best (new and old) friends. If somehow, you got skipped over, let us know and we'll get things taken care of.

I know - you want to know how many we put in. 99? 30? 525???

No, we put in 6 total. Somehow, we are totally excited about that accomplishment! More gardens may have happened that weren't facilitated by the Grow Food Party Crew, but we don't have the count yet. If you put in a garden that weekend, please let us know.

So why just 6 gardens? Well, we had some design limitations and communication issues.
1. If we had more time, we likely would have gotten the word out further.
2. We only had 15 people sign up for gardens, and a number of them never got back to us.
3. We could have used more stakeholders in 100 gardens happening. If more people took it on to see 100 gardens happen, we would have had a better chance. Most folks were excited about the idea, but did nothing. (Yo, where's da crew at?)

Ultimately, we are taking responsibility as the planning crew and we have harvested lots of feedback. Gardens of Gratitude is more than a 1 time event - it is an evolving template for groups to use globally. We have done our best to have fun with everyone and our number 1 priority is that we have LOVE be at the center of our relationships. We thank you for our forgiveness for anything that could have left you confused, angered, injured, etc. :)

We had $350 in web fees to get the site up and running. If everyone pitched in $2 we would have more than that. If 10 people gave $35, yes, we would have it covered. If you can support this event in any way, you can send donations via paypal by logging into your paypal account and sending a payment to: growfoodpartycrewsc@gmail.com. Or you can go to www.growfoodpartycrew.org and click the "donate now" button.

Tonight we launched the new Grow Food Party Crew Santa Cruz Google Group so we can all communicate with each other and throw parties all over the place! We wanted to launch this with our upcoming website, but that is still in the works. Sign up ASAP as we will soon be sending all announcements to that group. You don't need a gmail account - any email address will do.


Look out for an upcoming email about a GFPC Group Design Session. We will meet together over a delicious potluck and spread the love and responsibility by opening up the group to people who are excited to help get more parties happening locally.

*Special thanks to all the unseen help that happened out there and to all the miracles that happened and those that are on their way!*

With gratitude rippling throughout the world!

Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Mentoring
Office: (831) 440-7525
Skype: AbundanceInBalance
Email: Devin@AbundanceInBalance.com

Upcoming Events:

Gardens of Gratitude: The 100 Garden Challenge!
Santa Cruz, CA - June 6&7, 2009 (Next Week!)

Next 1-Day Permaculture Course - Sunday, June 14
All Challenges Are Gifts: An Introduction to Permaculture

Mind of Mentoring (Part of the Cultural Mentoring Series)
Regenerative Design Institute - Aug. 29-Sept 4 - Venture Retreat in Pescadero, CA


Fresh video from Grow Food Party Crew Santa Cruz!

Latest video from our Creating an Edible Oasis workshop:

Check out the official Grow Food Party Crew video: