Hey Everyone!

I'm just relaxing on this beautiful Sunday afternoon - thankful for fresh air and the "perfect" weather. I realized that an invitation for the next garden party has been long overdue.

Here's how it works: We setup garden parties for people who have already helped with other Grow Food Party's in the past. It doesn't have to be your garden, but you would be the host for the party.

So who wants the next Garden Party?
Our next available date is going to be the weekend of July 25/26, with a Design Party happening no later than 1 week before that date.

The process in a nutshell:

1. Request a garden
2. We set a Design Party date together. Invite friends and neighbors and GFPC network
3. Design Party Potluck - watch the GFPC video, then design together. Everyone there invites more folks.
3. We throw a rockin' garden party on July 25 or 26!

Leadership Circle:

We have been moving so quick with GFPC here in Santa Cruz that we haven't developed a core group of people running the local organization. Are you inspired by the vision and want to see it thrive here? Skill is nice, but all that's really necessary is the all out excitement and commitment to what we're up to.

Our main roles we need covered are:
1. Communications Specialist - Manages email and web posting, phone calls, organizes the network, visionary-style management
2. Garden Designer and Facilitator - Does permaculture design for gardens and leads project implementation. (Could also be someone in charge of managing guest designers)
3. Cultural Engineer - Manages the "Party" aspects - vibes, ceremony, peacemaking, games - making it so exciting people can't wait to come back. Pre-party tasks look like assigning roles to volunteers for the party and mentoring them in GFPC culture.

Taking on one of these roles does not limit you to that job - it just means you're responsible for it. Mentoring will be a critical part of this process and you will become party of a circle of other Grow Food Party Crew Leaders to share questions, challenges, and tools.

Being a GFPC Leader IS a time commitment. We definitely minimize our meetings, but folks need to be able to manage their schedule well to fit in times for parties and check-in meetings. Believe me, it's actually an easy thing to do when you think about the importance of what we're up to!

Please respond by email with "Leadership Circle" as the subject if you're curious and we can chat about what's possible.

Other news:
-GFPC Ojai put in 16 Gardens in 1 day through corporate sponsorship of the Commonwealth Financial Network!
-GFPC Website has been designed and will be launched in the next 2 weeks! Get ready to be doing this work on another level!

Devin Slavin - member #9839889874287

PS I'm looking for a place to rent/trade for living space starting July 1st. It will be me, my sweetie and our boy. We'd like to be biking distance from downtown, but would consider otherwise! Aloha!


Fresh video footage of our last party:

The official Grow Food Party Crew mini-documentary: